About this Blog 2.0

A teacher, technophile, and poet, my initial foray into the world of blogging was an experiment in not only putting my voice out into the world, but also finding that public voice. This endeavor eventually morphed into discussions about my work as a professor, integrating project-based, collaborative learning within my courses. This new version reflects not just a continuation of these dialogues but a deeper exploration of my growth as both a poet and an educator.

Inspired by fellow writers’ support and a timely opportunity with my college, I launched a poetry workshop in 2021 to make the craft more approachable. Fueled by the inspiration of a core group of dedicated writers, what began as a single workshop has evolved into a vibrant series on craft, fostering a spirit of creative exchange. I’m also using this site to actively promote a poetry manuscript that has been almost 20 years in the making.

With johnvictoranderson.com 2.0, my goal is to extend the collaborative spirit of my workshops and college courses by channeling it into continuing conversations with the community about education and poetry.

I am profoundly grateful for the community that has gathered around these workshops and conversations. Your engagement, curiosity, and support have not only inspired me but also fueled this collaborative endeavor, making it a richer, more meaningful experience for all involved. This journey, from my blog’s simple beginnings to its current incarnation, is a testament to the power of shared learning and creative pursuit.

My hope is to include you in this evolving dialogue, to share insights, and to explore together the questions and themes that resonate most deeply. And yes, expect the occasional homage to my mom, who invariably colors my world.


A Word on the Narrative in Narrative Poetry